Q: Who is Bob the Spider?
A: He’s the world’s first arachnid superstar! He’s good friends with God and lives in Stephen Fry’s left nostril. He has a twitter account that he sporadically updates.
Q: What’s the evolutionary history of the Eyeball Plant?
A: There are some very interesting books on that subject, a couple of them only published quite recently, but I don’t have copies at hand, and I don’t want to give a wrong answer. Let’s just say it’s a long and very strange story.
Q: The portal to the Fortunate Isles runs on anthic energy, but how does the portal to Desert Bridge work?
A: This is slightly embarrassing. I used an ancient toolset commonly referred to as “Visual Basic” to make it, which is why it isn’t quite compatible with modern technology. I should’ve gone for organic technology like that which The Mysterious-Druid uses, but I just wasn’t good enough at it.
Q: How does one gerbelize things?
A: It’s best to do it quickly and get it over with.
Q: So, this Urizen fellow. Where can I find out more about him?
A: They say he had a couple of run-ins with William Blake back in the day, but it’s possible that this isn’t entirely the same Urizen.
Q: Have you ever been to Oneiropolis?
A: I’m not sure. Maybe a long time ago. I do intend to go there to witness what happens when Urizen finally arrives at its gates, though. Should make for a very good novel.
Q: What is it with you and mushrooms?
A: Mushrooms are awesome. They’re like plants, but totally not. Here, read the Wikipedia entry on fungi. Or the Oneiropolis Compendium entry about the World Mushroom.
Q: Reading about the Lands of Dream makes me feel good, but the real world makes me sad. What should I do?
A: Change the real world. (Not yourself.)
Q: Wh r thr n vwls n ths sntnc?
A: You must have encountered a Internetual Vowel Eater. Count yourself lucky, it could’ve been an Interplanetary Bowel Eater.