It is said that Samuel Taylor Coleridge did not understand the importance of his vision of Xanadu until, more than thirty years after setting it down, he came to Oneiropolis and met the mighty Khan himself. A great adventure then followed; but that is too long a story to be told here. For those of […]
Wanderers’ Tales: Kubla Khan, or a Vision in a Dream
Wanderers’ Tales: The Highwayman
What better to celebrate the new year than a story? And what story could be more appropriate than a story of grace? Read the tale of The Highwayman, as told by Lord Dunsany.
Magic Tree Discount
Once again the season has come around in which people of vastly different ideologies, personal outlooks and religious denominations gather together to worship a magical tree. We do not know why this is done, but believe that in all likelihood it is a tradition dating back to the days of the Ents. And so, in […]
Wanderers’ Tales: Ulysses
This is a poem. Many people these days appear to suffer poetophobia, or do not have the patience to read poems; others seem to believe that poems are a form exclusively reserved for the trite thoughts of adolescents. But it would be a great shame to disregard so many works of genius for such foolish […]
New version of The Fabulous Screech! Free copies of The Sea Will Claim Everything!
Hi folks, Julian the Announcement Fox here. I just wanted to let you know that you can win a free copy of The Sea Will Claim Everything over at The Advent of Indies. And, even more importantly, there is a new downloadable version of The Fabulous Screech available! Yes indeed. Tell your friends! Thanks for […]
Wanderers’ Tales: The Cats of Ulthar
Today’s tale is renowned in many nations and realms, but nowhere more so than in Katsouli, the homeland of all cats, where teachers and philosophers speak of it when they debate an ancient question: can humans find wisdom, or must they be compelled to it? So read about The Cats of Ulthar, and ponder that […]
A Glimpse of Winter
Guess what Verena is working on…
Wanderers’ Tales: Idle Days on the Yann
Since the beginning of Time (and perhaps before), many have travelled to the Lands of Dream and written about their journeys. Some of these tales are warnings, others are maps to roads that we may follow; all have been of great assistance in my own endeavours. Thus I have decided that once each week, in […]
November Special! TSWCE 42% off!
Dear sentient beings categorized according to mostly arbitrary social constructs, I thought this would be a fine opportunity to let you know that The Sea Will Claim Everything is now on special offer. Yes, you can now purchase the magical portal often abbreviated to TSWCE for 42% less of your coinage! Remember all the wonderful […]
Quest for Glory and the Lands of Dream
If you have played my Lands of Dream games, you will have noticed a wide variety of non-game influences: the poetry of William Blake, the short stories of Lord Dunsany and H.P. Lovecraft, postcolonial theory, ancient Greek philosophy, world mythology, contemporary politics, and so on. It makes sense, of course, since in the Lands of […]